Friday, June 20

New Friends and Company!

On my way up to the hostel to prepare the usual PB&J for lunch--the concept of which is mind-blowing to the Vet students whose lunch is continually stiff porridge--I was approached by another mzungu girl. I was super excited at the prospect of a new friend and even better a new friend that spoke English. She asked if I wouldn't mind reading over a letter for her; she insisted her English was not so good. Like any good CMCer I was all over the cover letter she gave me. We ended up having lunch together and exchanging phone numbers. She knows of a pool so one of these days (in the next two weeks before she returns to Switzerland) I'm going to go with her and grab pizza at Dragonaires afterwards.

Last night I decided to give up on the half-pound of pasta with red sauce and grab some CHICKEN (I know, big step) and french fries...or rather Freedom Fries, at SUASA instead. I had the 700-something page The Fate of Africa with me to keep me entertained but luckily Bird-Man was there. He let me join him and it was nice to eat dinner with someone other than the Al Jazeera anchors. He was also kind enough to extend an open invitation to watch the soccer games with him--which I imagine I'll take him up on this weekend.

And last but certainly not least, I'm looking very forward to a friend of a friend's visit to Morogoro. While there is a "dearth of tourist activities" here, hopefully he'll be easily entertained by Euro2008 matches and big weekend meals out. My Swahili tutor offered to show me some new spots in town as well. Should be a fun weekend!

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