Saturday, June 14

Dragonaire and Soccer

Usually on Fridays the boys head to Dragonaire for pizza, described by Lonely Planet as “nice, green grounds, a good mix of locals and expats, and delicious pizza on the weekends.” A pretty accurate description. We went pretty early but after a day of course practicals with the vet students at the University I was totally exhausted and starving. The course practicals were a great opportunity to meet some young Tanzanians and to spend some time with them in the lab. We prepared agar and growth medium, took blood samples from horses, and cut up a chicken embryo.

The garlic pizza was pretty impressive although my expectations were not extremely high. Next time I’ll get one with more on it…Dundy got his with all sorts of veggies and chicken. A large portion of the restaurant was partitioned off for a special function, which ended up hosting a number of big-wig Tanzanians (the local judge, etc.). At least they were big-wig enough to require armed guards and dogs. Other than that the clientele was mostly younger Americans with lots of bug spray. One of T-Man’s local friends met us there for a Red Bull and gave us a ride back to SUA, just in time for the second soccer match. We made about five kernels of popcorn and to my delight they brought out the Swiss chocolate from the freezer. When the French were scored upon, T-Man erupted with, "That's why they're called freedom fries. FREE-DOM fries!" A great way to get the weekend started.

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