Monday, July 28

The Peponi Routine

Another adventure at the Arusha bus station ensued before B and I began another six hour bus ride. Destination: Tanga...actually Pangani...better yet, Peponi--a small and secluded beach resort. Having eaten breakfast at 7 AM, B and I were all but famished. We were pushed toward a dalla dalla on route to Pangani but after 10 minutes of waiting with my backpack on my lap (the honey I purchased from Mama Anna all over the left strap) and a pest of a man harassing me for money, B and I decided to splurge and take a cab. Luckily before hand we had looked up the Swahili for Piss off! and Leave me alone! so I better equipped to get rid of the guy who insisted on tapping me a little too close to my chest for comfort. When we finally arrived--arrive a taxi ride almost entirely on the wrong side of the road where the road was "better"--we were told we would have to wait until 8 PM to eat the first meal of the day. I almost went into major hypoglycemic fit mode but showed a little restraint and ordered a brownie and a beer instead.

B and I made a b-line for the beach and had a nice walk on the beach, still anxiously awaiting seafood salads and crab pasta.
Later at the bar we practiced Swahili from the social sections of the phrasebook titled "going out," "pick up lines," "getting closer," and "love." The little girls in us definitely glaringly apparent. Little did we know that we'd already fallen into the Peponi Routine: eat breakfast, hang out on the beach, cool off in the warm water of the Indian Ocean, eat lunch, take a nap, shower (hot water is on from 5:30 to 8:30), eat dinner, play cribbage, pass out, repeat.

Pictures are here for those of you that like to be green with envy. Again, the artsy, well-lit ones are B's.

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