Friday, June 27

SUPERmarket and Addis in Dar

Friday night was pretty much pure ecstasy in Dar. Will and I headed over to Shopper's Plaza. We got out of the taxi and I was literally mesmerized by Shoppers Supermarket. It's amazing how entertaining a grocery store can become after three weeks shopping in a mini-mart sized store. Will and I literally went down every aisle! Some items were inexpensive but others were outrageously priced. Cereal was about TSh 9,000 (somewhere around $8) but it was still nice to see Fruit Loops and Special K in the aisle.

After about an hour of gawking, Will and I headed to Addis in Dar, an Ethiopian restaurant. As soon as I walked in, I knew I was really in for a treat. We ventured upstairs and had a seat among ex-pats and other tourists. The atmosphere was beautiful...the smells, candles, and everyone was really relaxed. Tej--honey wine--came highly recommended and for good reason! The food was amazing and I thought they were going to have to roll me out of there. The meal ended with some of the best tea I have ever had. It was served with popcorn which seems like a weird combination but in actuality is FANtastic. Not a cheap dinner but well worth it! This blog certainly got it right!

Travel Agent Sarah did pretty well for Day 1 in Dar!

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